Sam Abrams is a witty, studious, and street-smart high school senior from New York City, adjusting to a new reality after her family relocates to a rural southern community in Tennessee. Once the culture-shock wears off, she stumbles into feelings for charming, yet wayward Dillon, a country boy, high school athlete with a maverick’s spirit. With Sam adamantly focused on her future, and Dillon contently stuck in idle, the two learn that sometimes the most unsuspecting people in life have the most meaningful impact.
Released: Jan 01, 1970
Runtime: 1:47:31 minutes
Stars: Savannah Lee Smith, Owen Patrick Joyner, Ariel Martin, Tamala Jones, Briar Nolet, Joshua Hyunho Lee
Crew: Alan Powell (Writer), Jordan Fisher (Executive Producer), Sean Small (Music Producer), T.K. McKamy (Director), David Bush (Writer), Paul Becker (Choreographer)