Thiago lives with his family on an isolated farm in the arid backlands of Minas Gerais, Brazil. As the story unfolds and Thiago is forced to confront separations and betrayal within the home, Thiago begins, little by little, to see and understand a place that he had never been able to before, thus slowly letting go of his innocence.
Released: Nov 15, 2007
Runtime: 95 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Thiago da Silva Mariz, Wallison Felipe Leal Barroso, João Miguel, Izadora Fernandes, Rômulo Braga, Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos
Crew: Sandra Kogut (Director), Déia Brito (Set Decoration), Márcio Câmara (Sound), Berna Ceppas (Music), Stéphane Thiébaut (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Marcos Pedroso (Costume Design)