Makis, a peaceful winemaker, lives isolated on a small border island, with his 30-year-old daughter Sophia, after she left her husband’s house. Makis is taken hostage by a dangerous fugitive. He will go beyond his limits in his efforts to prevent his daughter’s involvement with the criminal. Νow he has to face head-on the consequences of his actions.
Released: Jun 01, 2020
Runtime: 95 minutes
Stars: Takis Sakellariou, Katerina Papanastasatou, Christos Strepkos, Giorgos Souxes, Nikos Kasapis
Crew: Antonis Samaras (Sound Recordist), Yannis Fotou (Cinematography), Kiki Miliou (Costume Design), Christos V. Konstantakopoulos (Co-Producer), Vasilis Konstantilieris (Co-Producer), Elena Dimitrakopoulou (Production Manager)