"REM" is an Afrikaans Sci-Fi Drama about a grief-stricken father, Dehan, who becomes obsessed with the memory of his late wife, Lena, through the use of a high-tech, dream-altering device, the REM. This unhealthy obsession leads to Dehan struggling to reconnect with his young son, Erich, who survived the car accident that caused Lena's death. Dehan must decide to face and to confront his grief, reconnecting with his son, or to become so immersed in his fantasy dream-world that he loses touch with reality, and Erich, altogether.
Released: Aug 04, 2019
Runtime: 12 minutes
Genre: Science Fiction, Drama
Stars: Darragh Concannon, Liam du Toit, Gabrielle Kahts, René Frech, Isabella Duisberg
Crew: Sam Pelteret (Producer), Cara Leane Spence (Director), Cara Leane Spence (Writer), Justin Vallay (Director of Photography), Amy Stohrer (Editor), Richard Gauld (Music)