The conclusion of the story of famed swordsman, Sasaki Kojiro. After surviving a series of daring adventures, Kojiro seems to have finally discovered the ultimate happiness in life when he is reunited with Tone, the love of his life. However, his days of happiness are overshadowed by an upcoming duel with his fateful enemy Miyamoto Musashi.
Released: Nov 05, 1957
Runtime: 93 minutes
Stars: Chiyonosuke Azuma, Shinobu Chihara, Keiko Okawa, Harumi Urazato, Miki Sanjō, Kensaku Hara
Crew: Shintarō Miyamoto (Editor), Hideichi Yamane (Lighting Technician), Takatoshi Suzuki (Art Direction), Sadamitsu Ishihara (Sound Recordist), Kiyoshi Saeki (Director), Keio Iida (Original Music Composer)