Life of a small town in Siberian taiga (Chulimsk) revolves around a small cafe, where a young girl Valentina works as a bartender. Valentine is in love with the local detective Shamanov, ineffable, strict yet charming man, who recently arrived to Chulimsk. Despite a loving relationship with the chemist's Shamanova Zina and his mature age, Valentine finds the courage to confess her love to Shamanov. Up to this point never noticed the beauty and uniqueness of Valentina, Shamans suddenly realizes that this sweet, modest girl is his happiness.
Released: May 13, 2014
Runtime: 105 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Mariya Poezzhaeva, Sergei Bezrukov, Anna Nevskaya, Nikolay Klyamchuk, Alexander Samoylenko, Andrey Sergeev
Crew: Aleksandr Vampilov (Story), Viktor Dement (Screenplay), Viktor Dement (Director), Andrey Naydyonov (Cinematography)