The story follows Nozaki Haruka, a middle school student who transfers to a new school in a small town because of her father's work. Unfortunately, she becomes a victim of horrific bullying, but since the school will be closing in 2 months after graduation, no one is willing to help her.
Released: Apr 07, 2018
Runtime: 114 minutes
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Drama
Stars: Anna Yamada, Hiroya Shimizu, Rinka Otani, Rena Ohtsuka, Seina Nakata, Ayaka Konno
Crew: Hidetoshi Shinomiya (Director of Photography), Eisuke Naito (Director), Miako Tadano (Writer), Tomo Hyakutake (Special Effects Makeup Artist), Asuka Nemoto (Sound Recordist), Tomo Hyakutake (Special Effects)