Based on a novel by Farman Karimzade, the movie shows the life in an Azerbaijani village under the Soviet rule in 1930s. Here two former "beys" (land owners) are opposing each other. One is loyal to the ideology of the past and can't reconcile himself to the new power, to second rejects the past and accepts the power of the Bolsheviks, believing that it will establish justice.
Released: Jul 18, 1971
Runtime: 73 minutes
Stars: Hasan Mammadov, Adil Isgandarov, Malik Dadashov, Hamlet Khanizadeh, Hasanagha Turabov, Shamsi Badalbeyli
Crew: Farman Karimzadeh (Screenplay), Kamil Rustambeyov (Director), Farman Karimzadeh (Novel), Rasim Ismailov (Director of Photography), Nadir Zeynalov (Production Design), Arif Malikov (Music)