Anime adaptation of the "Otoko wa Tsurai yo (It's tough being a man)" film series by Youji Yamada. Kuruma Torajirou (or Tora-san), a traveling salesman whose sole possessions include only the contents of a small suitcase, the clothes on his back and some pocket money, wanders from town to town peddling his wares.
Released: Aug 07, 1998
Runtime: 95 minutes
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama, Animation
Stars: Koichi Yamadera, Eken Mine, Hochu Otsuka, Mari Okamoto, Mie Azuma, Minoru Yada
Crew: Setsuko Shibuichi (Storyboard), Setsuko Shibuichi (Director), Norio Hayashi (Screenplay), Yoji Yamada (Creator)