A side story of the original Kara no Kyōkai - the Garden of sinners movie series divided into 2 parts. In the first part, Shizune Seo, who finds her life too predictable due to her precognition, and Mitsuru Kamekura, who uses his precognition to be a professional bomber, meet Mikiya and Shiki, respectively, and their futures begin to change. In the second part, 10 years after the original series, Shiki and Mikiya's daughter, Mana Ryōgi, spends a day with Mitsuru.
Released: Sep 16, 2013
Runtime: 89 minutes
Genre: Animation, Science Fiction
Stars: Maaya Sakamoto, Kenichi Suzumura, Takako Honda, 来看操逼片网:4488𝟺𝟲𝟿.com 看操逼片网:4488𝟺𝟲𝟿.com, Akira Ishida, Hisako Kanemoto
Crew: Manabu Kamino (Editor), Hikaru Kondo (Producer), Ryu Suzuki (Line Producer), Tomonori Sudo (Director), Kinoko Nasu (Novel), Masaki Hiramatsu (Screenplay)