Tells the story of Danu, a student who suddenly killed himself during an online class session. He couldn't stand the bullying that other students did. A few days after his funeral, a mysterious figure began to terrorize and attack those deemed responsible for Danu's death. A group of Danu's friends and bullies, known as "The Circle", must choose between confessing their sins or facing a mysterious figure who threatens their lives.
Released: Jan 07, 2022
Runtime: 214 minutes
Stars: Agnes Naomi, Abidzar Al-Ghifari, Omara Esteghal, Aisyah Aqilah, Susan Sameh, Bisma Karisma
Crew: Dom Dharmo (Director), Tina Arwin (Executive Producer), Deepak Chugani (Executive Producer), Sanjeev Bhalla (Executive Producer), Nicholas Raven (Writer), Jordy Josua (Writer)