Directed by Csaba Borbély Eugene for Blue Lagoon Entertainment, this film features the very popular and ultra-sexy Mangiatti twins, Fernando and Fabrizio, imported from Hungary! The plot has them captive in a desolate Eastern European police headquarters, accused of plotting a terrorist attack against the station! The inflated accusations come from the 'proof' of fantastically edited, well-lit and gorgeously directed security cam tapes featuring the twins and their co-conspirators having sex with each other that they're now compelled to view. Evan Rochelle guards one twin and Paolo Ramatti guards the other while the proof is unfolded.
Released: Jun 06, 2006
Runtime: 90 minutes
Stars: Austin Rogers, Evan Rochelle, Daniel Lautrec, Jean Lautrec, Glenn Santoro, Solten Talton
Crew: Csaba Borbely (Director)