The film follows the lives of Eddy, Jite and Osiano, three ambitious young men in their late twenties struggling to make it in life. Tired of being looked down upon, they embark on a relentless quest for the high life, chasing easy money, fast cars, and fame; willing to do whatever it takes no matter what it costs them.
Released: Apr 15, 2022
Runtime: 109 minutes
Stars: Williams Uzor Arukwe, Shalewa Ashafa, Tobi Bakre, Demi Banwo, Omowunmi Dada, Alexx Ekubo
Crew: Fiyin Gambo (Director), Nelly Nkem (Associate Producer), Adegoke Oluwatoyin Olaitan (Production Manager), Chinaza Onuzo (Writer), Ates Brown (Editor), Omolara Ojo (Assistant Makeup Artist)