A gruff sergeant. An unlucky ghost. A psychotic mercenary. A sarcastic slacker. An unrepentant kiss-up. Two morons. A tank with impeccable manners. And a robot stuck on the Spanish setting... War is hell. Welcome To Blood Gulch is a full scale remake of the first season of the hit web series RED VS BLUE, originally written by Burnie Burns and Matt Hullum, with new scenes, new jokes, and a lot more standing around and talking.
Released: Jan 01, 1970
Runtime: 100 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Science Fiction
Stars: Kayden Toler, Jason Solace, Ryan Faulk, Jules Grimm, Robert Watson, Max Karr
Crew: Ariel Bath-Stone (Director), Ryan Faulk (Writer), Ariel Bath-Stone (Writer), Ryan Faulk (Director)