Middle-aged Fumi lives a quiet seaside life, she spends her days working at a small local factory, spending time with her neighbor’s son, and attending her sober-lifestyle group. One night while driving home her car is struck by a small meteorite, the odds of which are 100 million to 1. Seeing this as a good omen, Fumi decides she should be open to new possibilities in her life, even perhaps romance…
Released: Apr 29, 2022
Runtime: 95 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Satomi Kobayashi, Yutaka Matsushige, Kami Hiraiwa, Taiyo Saito, Noriko Eguchi, Kiyohiko Shibukawa
Crew: Hideyuki Hirayama (Director), Teruo Abe (Screenplay), Goro Yasukawa (Music), Yukiko Eguchi (Script)