A gripping historical drama that follows the explosive growth of Katsu Kaishu, the hero of the Meiji era, and the interesting human image of his father, Kokichi, who lived for the common people, his neighbors and his children. A film about paternal and maternal love and conjugal love in the creation of mankind, about the healing power of which laughter and tears have. The film that became the last work of the giant star Tsumasaburo Bando.
Released: Aug 12, 1953
Runtime: 98 minutes
Stars: Tsumasaburō Bandō, Isuzu Yamada, Ryūnosuke Tsukigata, Shin Tokudaiji, Ichirō Arishima, Jotaro Togami
Crew: Tadaoto Kainoshō (Researcher), Tatsuo Ōsone (Director), Seiichi Suzuki (Music), Kan Shimozawa (Novel), Hideo Ishimoto (Cinematography), Toshio Yasumi (Screenplay)