The film revolves around the story of a man named Ali who makes a living selling home-grown vegetables and his family. Ali’s parents have passed away. He lives with his grandfather Tahir and his brother Cemil. Tales of Ali’s womanizing stories are the talk of the town as he impresses girls with his smooth voice. Ali forgets all the other girls when he falls in love at first sight with Cemil’s teacher Gülsen. But Ali will misinterpret Gülsen’s feelings and get very disappointed. (İbrahim Veli Sözer)
Released: Nov 01, 1963
Runtime: 105 minutes
Stars: Zeki Müren, Belgin Doruk, Kadir Savun, Melahat İçli, Vahi Öz, Ali Şen
Crew: Özdemir Birsel (Producer), Özdemir Birsel (Writer), Nejat Saydam (Director)