Based on a true story, The Heroes follows one of the most extraordinary and heroic exploits of World War II. After months of rigorous training in the north of Australia, a team of 14 men, most barely out of their teens, set sail from Cairns on board a leaky old fishing boat called 'The Krait'. Their mission, code-named Operation Jaywick, became a tense voyage through thousands of kilometres of Japanese held territory to launch a daring attack on Singapore Harbour. The raid is a success but within sight of safety they encounter a Japanese destroyer, and all prepare to die rather than be taken prisoner.
Released: Jan 01, 1988
Runtime: 208 minutes
Stars: Paul Rhys, John Bach, Briony Behets, John Bonney, John Hargreaves, Cameron Daddo
Crew: Donald Crombie (Director), Ronald McKie (Author), Peter Yeldham (Writer), Anthony Buckley (Producer)