Life is carefree and filled with series of mischievous events for dashing and happy-go-lucky Yuvraj and rocking rebel Gurnoor at the Patiala University, until they are bedazzled by the charming and sexy Noor who sweeps them off their feet the moment she lands in their lives, as both vie for their lady love's attention and her heart.
Released: Jul 29, 2011
Runtime: 135 minutes
Stars: Neeru Bajwa, Gippy Grewal, Diljit Dosanjh, Jaswinder Bhalla, Binnu Dhillon, B.N. Sharma
Crew: Dheeraj Rattan (Writer), Rajan Batra (Producer), Manish More (Editor), Vivek Ohri (Producer), Mandeep Kumar (Director), Harish Joshi (Cinematography)