This wacky farce follows Rosa, a bungling employee who is hired as CEO of a sanitary napkin Company. After it is discovered that stress, brought on by men, is decreasing women's menstruation cycles, Rosa, with the aid of an ever-so-cute scientist develops a plan to rid the world of stress, bring world peace and provide plenty of job opportunities (even the Pope's position is available). A wildly rebellious comedy about female empowerment, a world without men and sanitary napkin sales!
Released: May 22, 1998
Runtime: 75 minutes
Stars: Marta Balletbò-Coll, Esperanza López Franco, Montserrat Gausachs, Anna Bosch, Desi del Valle, Roberto Beceiro
Crew: Marta Balletbò-Coll (Director), Ana Simón Cerezo (Director)