This film follows Jean, a young French soldier who is physically and mentally scarred by his experiences on the front lines. He struggles to readjust to civilian life, and his family soon realizes the extent of his trauma. Jean's childhood sweetheart, Madeleine, is now married to his friend and fellow soldier, Pierre. Jean's family fears he will succumb to his despair, and they desperately search for ways to help him find peace.
Released: Apr 26, 1928
Runtime: 98 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Jean Murat, Maxime Desjardins, Georges Charlia, Michèle Verly, Berthe Jalabert, André Heuzé
Crew: Alexandre Ryder (Director), André Dugès (Director), Georges Le Faure (Novel), René Gaveau (Cinematography), Paul Portier (Cinematography)