Rainbow Over the Pacific is a tale of romance that moves from the streets of Tokyo to the islands of Hawaii as it weaves the story of two star-crossed lovers--Hideo (Yukio Hashi), an aspiring photographer from Japan, and Reiko (Jun Mayuzumi), a beautiful Sansei Cherry Blossom contestant from Hawaii--who are drawn together by destiny, yet appear to be fated to be apart. Will the sun set on their young love, or will it be the dawn of a new relationship?
Released: Apr 27, 1968
Runtime: 101 minutes
Genre: Romance
Stars: Yukio Hashi, Jun Mayuzumi, Muga Takewaki, Etsuko Ikuta, Yoshiko Kayama, Takashi Yamaguchi
Crew: Shigemi Sugisaki (Executive Producer), Yoshihisa Sakurai (Screenplay), Yoshitaro Nomura (Screenplay), Yoshitaro Nomura (Director), Takashi Kawamata (Director of Photography), Chiyoo Umeda (Art Direction)