In old Edo, Kakunojo (Chiezo), a dandy about town, falls in love with Oichi (Isuzu Yamada), whose merchant family is much beyond Kakunojo's status. He nevertheless pursues her until her initial disgust breaks down into fondness, then romantic feelings, inducing her to abandon her fiance on their wedding day.
Released: Oct 13, 1932
Runtime: 180 minutes
Stars: Chiezō Kataoka, Ryūzaburō Mitsuoka, Isuzu Yamada, Kobunji Ichikawa, Ranko Hanai, Kōichi Katsuragi
Crew: Masahiro Makino (Director), Itarō Yamagami (Screenplay), Itarō Yamagami (Original Story), Hideo Ishimoto (Director of Photography)