The story of Armida (named ¨Doña Macabra¨ by her neighbors) and Demetria, two old women who live in an old house with Octavio, a kind of mad scientist. Their lives take an unexpected turn when the nephew of Armida, Lucila, recently married with Othón, arrive to the house looking for and old treasure, believed to be buried in the house. They will find a lot of dark and unexpected secrets.
Released: Sep 30, 1972
Runtime: 93 minutes
Stars: Marga López, Héctor Suárez, Carmen Montejo, Roberta Gavaldón, Pancho Córdova, Carmen Salinas
Crew: Roberto Gavaldón (Director), Hugo Argüelles (Screenplay), Adalberto López (Set Decoration), Raúl Lavista (Original Music Composer), Roberto Gavaldón (Executive Producer), Raúl Martínez Solares (Director of Photography)