Half-Life: Escape from City 17 is a two-part Canadian short film written, developed, and filmed by the Purchase Brothers. The film is set in the Half-Life universe, during the events of Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One. Both films were critically acclaimed, especially by Valve, the video game company responsible for the Half-Life series. Part One was released on February 13, 2009; and Part Two was released on August 24, 2011. On August 23, 2013, Escape From City 17: Part 3 teaser trailer was announced.
Released: Feb 13, 2009
Runtime: 6 minutes
Genre: Action, Science Fiction
Stars: Ian Purchase, Derek Chan, David Purchase, Julia Tourianski
Crew: Ian Purchase (Director), David Purchase (Director), Julia Tourianski (Producer), Eva Sagansk (Sound Mixer)