In this independent comedy-drama from Canada, a pair of brothers -- Wes (Shaun Johnston), a reckless biker, and Cliff (David Everhart), a clean-living suburbanite -- are brought back together to patch up their differences after the death of their mother. With Wes' girlfriend (Kim Hogan) in tow, the boys begin confronting issues that have weighed them down since childhood, though their rivalries and jealousies begin to surface as well.
Released: Jan 01, 1993
Runtime: 93 minutes
Stars: Kim Hogan, Paul Herbert, Shaun Johnston, David Castro, Terran Orletsky
Crew: William E. Hornecker (Director), William E. Hornecker (Producer), Mike Shields (Music), William E. Hornecker (Writer), Grant Dryden (Writer), John P. Tarver (Director of Photography)