The story is set in Guagua, Pampanga a decade after the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo which ravaged the province with lahar. It follows the lives of Rodolfo "Mang Rudy" Manansala, a woodcarver, and his three daughters and their relationships with the people close to them in the span of seven summers.
Released: Mar 08, 2006
Runtime: 1:47:31 minutes
Stars: Johnny Delgado, Cherry Pie Picache, Juliana Palermo, Angel Aquino, Allan Paule, Criselda Volks
Crew: William Thayer (Assistant Director), Lawrence Fajardo (Second Assistant Director), Oliver Tamayo (Production Manager), Dina Ofracia (Art Direction), Gian Gianan (Art Direction), Alex Tomboc (Sound)