"Fate 1" tells the story of the true friendship, love and sorrow of three friends Suldee, Nandin and Zaya, who have been friends since childhood. "Fate 2" is a continuation of the above story and tells the story of the fate of two brothers who are destined for each other despite their confusion. The house of Zaya and Zorigoo, the sons of a neighboring family, burns down one day, and Zorigoo loses his father and Zaya loses his grandparents. The story begins with a complicated story, and in the end, the story ends with a sad but true feeling that symbolizes the reunion of the brothers.
Released: Feb 22, 2013
Runtime: 92 minutes
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Romance
Stars: Erdenezaan Puntsag, Yalalt Namsrai, Batzorig Sukhbaatar, Batsumiya Batdorj, Sergelen Taivanbaatar, Nyamdorj Terbish
Crew: Enkhbayar Luvsandorj (Director), Enkhbayar Luvsandorj (Screenplay), Temuujin Mendsaikhan (Cinematography), Berkheedei Purevsukh (Production Design), Temuulen Naranbaatar (Music), Bat-Erdene Naidannyam (Sound Director)