The film, created to commemorate the 35th anniversary of Erdenet, tells the story of the love and life of young people who come to work at the Erdenet Ore Processing Plant in the 1980s. Although they love each other, the film shows how their relationship is affected and changed by baseless lies and the reckless actions of unscrupulous people.
Released: Jul 01, 2011
Runtime: 100 minutes
Genre: Drama, Romance, History
Stars: Tamir Bat-Ulzii, Bayarbat Mishigdorj, Badamtsetseg Batmunkh, Altanshagai Jargalsaikhan, Otgontogos Namsrai, Enkhbayar Ayush
Crew: Batsaikhan Batjargal (Director), Batsaikhan Batjargal (Screenplay), Tamir Bat-Ulzii (Writer), Bazarragchaa Otgontuul (Cinematography), Munkh-Orgil Jugdernamjil (Production Design), Tugsbayar Aleksandr (Music)