In this comic sequel to Yoshimura Kozaburo's original, Minami no Kaze, ex-baron (Saburi Shin) is in Singapore where he meets an old friend who proposes a scam to make some quick cash. It involved inventing the story that Saigo Takamori didn't actually die in the Satsuma Rebellion but escaped to Southeast Asia to start a new religion and in the process fathered a son who is now the founder. But when they bring the supposed heir and his aide to Japan, chaos ensues...
Released: Oct 22, 1942
Runtime: 87 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Shin Saburi, Chishū Ryū, Mieko Takamine, Mitsuko Mito, Tatsuo Saitō, Reikichi Kawamura
Crew: Toshio Ubukata (Cinematography), Yoshiro Tsuji (Screenplay), Kōzaburō Yoshimura (Director), Hikaru Saotome (Music), Tadao Ikeda (Screenplay)