A dark comedic glimpse into the life of an Iranian-American woman, as she teeters on the brink of crisis following a run of unfortunate events. Caught in financial ruin, struggling with a recent divorce, and battling mental health issues ranging from obsessive-compulsive disorder, imposter syndrome, addiction, and a complete lack of boundaries - her dreams of becoming a Hollywood movie star begin to disintegrate. She says okay to everything and everyone - at the cost of not being okay herself.
Released: Nov 05, 2022
Runtime: 17 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Yasmine Aker, Holly Kaplan, Rachel Clugston, Adam Silvera, Albina Katsman, Samantha Melitta
Crew: Mariana Brassaroto (Producer), Zeeko Zaki (Executive Producer), Elliot Knight (Director), Mark Farney (Director of Photography), Mark Farney (Producer), Mariana Brassaroto (Assistant Director)