Takarazuka Cosmos Troupe 2018 production based oon the shoujo manga (girl's comic) series Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori by Shinohara Chie, released in the United States under the title Red River. Citrus Breeze - Sunrise - was the associated revue performance.
Released: Jun 15, 2018
Runtime: 162 minutes
Stars: Makaze Suzuho, Madoka Hoshikaze, Toa Serika, Seijou Kaito, Tsukasa Kotobuki, Mikaze Maira
Crew: Koyanagi Naoko (Director), Aoki Tomoko (Original Music Composer), Wakao Risa (Choreographer), AYAKO (Choreographer), Nishino Jun (Conductor)