Winston Smith lives in a world of absolute conformity, his every action is scrutinized by Big Brother. But when Winston meets Julia, he dares to rebel by falling in love. Based on George Orwell’s masterpiece and choreographed by Jonathan Watkins, 1984 pushes the boundaries of contemporary ballet and won the dance award at the South Bank Sky Arts Awards in June 2016.
Released: Sep 09, 2015
Runtime: 84 minutes
Stars: Tobias Batley, Martha Leebolt, Javier Torres, Hironao Takahashi, Giuliano Contadini, Kevin Poeung
Crew: Julei Anderson (Costume Assistant), Jonathan Watkins (Choreographer), Alex Baranowski (Sound), Chris Davey (Lighting Design), Andrzej Goulding (Director of Photography), Ruth Little (Dramaturgy)