Unreleased animated feature film directed by Ryutaro Nakamura (Serial Experiments Lain). The story is adapted from the children's book "Adventures of Tom the Small Cat" by Masumi Lino and Yumiko Imai.
Released: Dec 20, 2014
Runtime: 82 minutes
Genre: Animation, Fantasy, Adventure
Stars: Toshiko Fujita, Masako Nozawa, Mika Kanai, Minami Takayama, Ryoko Sano, Ryusei Nakao
Crew: Ryutaro Nakamura (Writer), Hiromi Niioka (Key Animation), Hiroyuki Okiura (Key Animation), Hisashi Abe (Key Animation), Kahoru Hirata (Key Animation), Katsumi Aoshima (Key Animation)