Felix's school is haunted again, only this time it's not the benevolent spirit of school founder Otto Leonhard and the nuisance he caused, but the once hated and long-since dead Director Hulda Stingbeard. A coincidence causes the former shrunken and skeletonized school principle to rise again, leading to chaos...
Released: Jan 18, 2018
Runtime: 90 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Adventure, Family
Stars: Oskar Keymer, Lina Hüesker, Otto Waalkes, Andrea Sawatzki, Axel Stein, Julia Hartmann
Crew: Markus Golisano (Line Producer), Anne Kathrin Dern (Original Music Composer), Katja Dor-Helmer (Co-Producer), Kiri Kristin Trier (Co-Producer), Elena Marquez Martinez (Other), Konstantin Seitz (Line Producer)