"The Ghost of the Old Grave" tells of Laura who, since childhood, lives with her mama, the grumpy Riska. When he was angry, Riska often forgot himself to be rude to Laura. Stress with the circumstances of the house like that, Laura went for the task of covering historic sites with two friends, Rizal, and Maya, as well as her lover, Edwin.
Released: Aug 20, 2015
Runtime: 77 minutes
Genre: Horror
Stars: Maxime Bouttier, Whulandary Herman, Vicky Monica, Trisa Triandesa, Jajang C. Noer, Keke Soeryo Renaldi
Crew: Erik Supit (Story), Rafdy Farizan Bintang (Producer), Hadrianus Eko (Sound Designer), Koesnadi WS Rogojampi (Art Direction), Freddy A. Lingga (Director of Photography), Nayato Fio Nuala (Director)