Mga Kwentong Tsubibo revolves around the individual stories of 8 strangers: a frustrated medical student on the verge of quitting her studies; a dewy-eyed boy who, pressed by poverty and desperation, searches for medicine for his ailing grandmother; a well-loved city mayor whose critically-ill son urgently needs a kidney transplant; a young, engaged couple planning their future together; and an older couple in a fishing village scrambling to raise money for the medical bills of their hospitalized son. The film offers a critical look at the social determinants of health, and how they affect the lives of Filipinos.
Released: Nov 28, 2015
Runtime: 105 minutes
Stars: Mercedes Cabral, Joel Saracho, Mike Liwag
Crew: Janina Hernandez (Screenplay), LA Rellora (Screenplay), LA Rellora (Director)