Drama - Set in the present-day Iraq war, this tense and gripping drama unfolds as two US Marines find themselves stranded and alone in the desert after their unit is all but destroyed in a routine mission. One of their team is taken hostage in the attack, their Humvee is stolen, their communications are down and their supplies are limited. - Gary Weeks, Rob Botts, Paul J. Alessi
Released: Aug 15, 2009
Runtime: 1:47:31 minutes
Stars: Gary Weeks, Rob Botts, Paul J. Alessi, Amie Barsky, Zack Kay, Madison Bingham
Crew: Rob Botts (Director), Chris Montgomery-Bender (Writer), Scott Wildfong (Producer), Kyle D. Betterton (Music), Scott Wildfong (Cinematography), Monica Wildfong (Makeup Artist)