Documentary chronicling the life and times of rock icon Arthur Lee and his seminal rock band Love. The film follows the various incarnations of the band from its debut as one of the more influential groups of the 1960's to the ever changing lineup of the 1970's and the sporadic appearances of the 1980s. The group would be reformed once again in the 1990's and early 2000's having a successful European tour until Arthur fell ill with cancer.
Released: Oct 27, 2006
Runtime: 110 minutes
Genre: Documentary, Music
Stars: Arthur Lee, Johnny Echols, Bryan MacLean, Ken Forssi, Alban 'Snoopy' Pfisterer, Michael Stuart-Ware
Crew: Mike Kerry (Director), Mike Kerry (Producer), Mike Kerry (Director of Photography), Chris Hall (Director), Chris Hall (Director of Photography), Chris Hall (Producer)