Inspired from the Telugu novel Veera Pooja, the film tells the story of Jayasimha (played by Rama Rao), the crown prince of Malawa kingdom who escapes assassination attempts from his uncle Rudrasimha (Ranga Rao), who wishes to ascend the throne as the next king. Jayasimha leaves Malawa assuming a new identity and leads the life of a soldier in Magadha kingdom.
Released: Aug 25, 1955
Runtime: 165 minutes
Stars: N.T. Rama Rao, Anjali Devi, Waheeda Rehman, S. V. Ranga Rao, Relangi Venkata Ramaiah, Gummadi
Crew: N. Trivikrama Rao (Producer), Yoganand D (Director), Samudrala Jr (Writer), T. V. Raju (Music)