Miles, struggling financially and trying to start a family, is offered a lucrative real estate job by his shifty brother Silvio. Initially, the opportunity seems like a dream come true, turning his life around with newfound wealth. However, as he delves deeper into the business, he begins to suspect that not everything is as it seems. Caught in a moral dilemma, Miles must decide what he's willing to risk for his family's future.
Released: Jan 01, 1970
Runtime: 94 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Thriller
Stars: Fabian Jaime, Rydder Johnston, Rex Johnston, Deanna King, Hayden Johnston, Patrick Luyben
Crew: Josh Hammers (Camera Operator), Halli Johnston (Boom Operator), Josh Hammers (Assistant Director), Shantell Johnston (Producer), Joe Collinsworth (Line Producer), Halli Johnston (Production Assistant)