A young poet in the midst of crafting his epic masterpiece discovers a hidden Oasis within a vast forest. Inside this forbidden world a dark and alluring maiden, appearing both innocent and malevolent, lures him into an alternate reality of beauty and poison. Within this secret garden, the poet is confronted with a very harsh and introspective question. Is Man a unified cosmos, or a phantasm immortally trapped between two dark, warring forces?
Released: Feb 03, 2013
Runtime: 63 minutes
Genre: Horror, Fantasy, Romance
Stars: Frank Dolansky, Scott Gaines, Gideon Hodge, Leslie Palmer
Crew: Griffith Mehaffey (Director), Griffith Mehaffey (Screenplay), Nathaniel Hawthorne (Writer), Molly Federline (Special Effects Makeup Artist), Griffith Mehaffey (Cinematography), Derrick McCoy (Lighting Director)