Pursued by loan sharks, Aoyama is rescued by a mysterious man in orange overalls, and spirited away to “The Town,” where other dropouts hide out from debtors, abusive partners or the police. It’s a perpetual holiday resort where every need is catered to but hidden in it is a sinister conspiracy.
Released: Sep 04, 2020
Runtime: 111 minutes
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction
Stars: Tomoya Nakamura, Shizuka Ishibashi, Eri Tachibana, Sō Yamanaka, Rio Kanno, Ini Kusano
Crew: Takuma Watanabe (Music), Hidetoshi Shinomiya (Director of Photography), Banri NAGASE (Editor), Shinji Araki (Director), Tomohiko Seki (Producer), Shinji Araki (Screenplay)