In this classic drama, Vicky Page is an aspiring ballerina torn between her dedication to dance and her desire to love. While her imperious instructor, Boris Lermontov, urges to her to forget anything but ballet, Vicky begins to fall for the charming young composer Julian Craster. Eventually Vicky, under great emotional stress, must choose to pursue either her art or her romance, a decision that carries serious consequences.
Released: Sep 06, 1948
Runtime: 133 minutes
Stars: Moira Shearer, Anton Walbrook, Marius Goring, Léonide Massine, Robert Helpmann, Albert Bassermann
Crew: Michael Powell (Director), Michael Powell (Producer), Reginald Mills (Editor), Jack Cardiff (Director of Photography), Emeric Pressburger (Director), Emeric Pressburger (Producer)