Following the Doctor's regeneration into a new, younger body, the TARDIS lands at an Earth colony on the planet Vulcan in the far future. Mistaken for an official Earth Examiner, the Doctor discovers that a scientist called Lesterson is attempting to reactivate two inanimate, subservient Daleks found in a crashed space rocket. The colonists refuse to heed the Doctor's dire warnings that the Daleks are dangerous.
Released: Nov 05, 1966
Runtime: 146 minutes
Genre: Science Fiction, Drama, Adventure
Stars: Patrick Troughton, Michael Craze, Anneke Wills, Robert James, Nicholas Hawtrey, Martin King
Crew: Alexandra Tynan (Costume Designer), Innes Lloyd (Producer), Tristram Cary (Music), Derek Dodd (Production Design), Sydney Newman (Creator), Brian Hodgson (Sound)