In a corner of Tokyo, a man named Natsuo lives as a yakuza and a woman named Natsuki works part-time. Although they rarely think about their families, they attempt to reunite with them. Brother and sister, father and daughter; the distance between them begins to shrink, but... This film portrays the dynamics of people trying to co-exist in nature and in the city. Even though two individuals may be insignificant in the context of a large society, one life meets another and they move forward. This is a movie about their small footsteps.
Released: Oct 01, 2014
Runtime: 80 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Eriko Nakamura, Takashi Okito, Asaka Nakamura, Manami Takahashi, Ken Mitsuishi, Sosuke Ikematsu
Crew: Ryutaro Nakagawa (Director), Yasuhiro Konno (Director of Photography), Yasuhiro Konno (Editor)